Steel Authority of India Limited Bhilai: In Steel Authority of India limited has invited a vacancies for Electronic OCT in Bhilai. Eligible candidates can apply these posts before 04-11-2013.All the details of the notification are given bellow..
Address: Post Box-16, Sector-01 Post-Office
Postal code: 490001
City: Bhilai
State: Chhattisgarh
Salary: Rs. 10,700/-p.m during 1st year and Rs.12,200/-p.m during 2nd year will be paid.
Educational Recruitment: Matriculation with 3 years full time Diploma in Engineering in Electronics from any recognized by state.
Number Of Posts: 65
How to Apply: Eligible candidates can apply through the online Choose "Career with SAIL" and then check under BSP/Bhilai Steel plant and do the fallowing process.
1)valid e-mail id which should remain valid for at least one year.
2)pay in slip for Rs.250 as application and processing..
3)candidate should have latest passport size photograph and as well as photograph of signature.
Age limit: 18-28 years.
Last date: 04-11-2013
Details will be available here