Importance of the hashCode() method in java:
More frequently used in hashCode() method in design patterns.In interview point of view mostly asked question is hashCode() method and its importance.Now we will see the hashCode() method and its working.
hashCode() method:
--->If we want to use a class object as a key in a hashing collection of java then that class must be override hashCode() method and equals() method.
--->hashCode() method belongs to java.lang.Object class
--->if we don't override a hashCode() method in a class then Object class hashCode() method will be called.It will returns the memory address of an object in the form of an integer.
--->wrapper classes and string classes of java are already overriden a hashCode() method and equals() method. So we can use these class object as key in collections.
Some important points to remember with respect to hashCode() method
i)If two references are referring same object then always their hash Code's are equal.---->true
String s1="Aa";
String s2=s1;
s1==s2 ------>true
s2 .hashCode()=2112
So if two references are refer same object then their hash Codes are equal.
we can find the hashCode of a string by using the fallowing formula.
String=number format 1st character*31 pow(n-1)+number format of 2nd character *31 pow(n-2)
Aa=65*31 pow(2-1)+97*31 pow(2-2)
ii)If two hash Codes are equal then they are referring one Object ----->false.
String s1="Aa"
String s2="Aa"
s1==s2 ---false
above example hasCodes are equal but they are referring two different objects.
iii)If two objects are meaningfully equal then they are hash Code's are equal(by force)----->true
-->when we are creating user defined class the it is our responsibility to override hashCode() method and equals() method.
class Demo
private int x;
public Demo(int x)
public boolean equals(Object o)
if(o instanceof Demo&&(((Demo).x)==this.x))
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode()
return x+50;
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Demo d1=new Demo(20);
Demo d2=new Demo(20);
System.out.println("d1 and d2 are identically equal");
System.out.println("d1 and d2 are meaningfully equal");
d1 and d2 are meaningfully equal
Difference between the hashCode() method and equals() method?
---> both methods are overriden ,when an object of a class wants to be used as a key in a collection.
--->To store the data in a hash bucket hashCode() method will be called.But to read the data from a hash bucket first hashCode() method will be called and the equals()method is called.
More frequently used in hashCode() method in design patterns.In interview point of view mostly asked question is hashCode() method and its importance.Now we will see the hashCode() method and its working.
hashCode() method:
--->If we want to use a class object as a key in a hashing collection of java then that class must be override hashCode() method and equals() method.
--->hashCode() method belongs to java.lang.Object class
--->if we don't override a hashCode() method in a class then Object class hashCode() method will be called.It will returns the memory address of an object in the form of an integer.
--->wrapper classes and string classes of java are already overriden a hashCode() method and equals() method. So we can use these class object as key in collections.
Some important points to remember with respect to hashCode() method
i)If two references are referring same object then always their hash Code's are equal.---->true
String s1="Aa";
String s2=s1;
s1==s2 ------>true
s2 .hashCode()=2112
So if two references are refer same object then their hash Codes are equal.
we can find the hashCode of a string by using the fallowing formula.
String=number format 1st character*31 pow(n-1)+number format of 2nd character *31 pow(n-2)
Aa=65*31 pow(2-1)+97*31 pow(2-2)
ii)If two hash Codes are equal then they are referring one Object ----->false.
String s1="Aa"
String s2="Aa"
s1==s2 ---false
above example hasCodes are equal but they are referring two different objects.
iii)If two objects are meaningfully equal then they are hash Code's are equal(by force)----->true
-->when we are creating user defined class the it is our responsibility to override hashCode() method and equals() method.
class Demo
private int x;
public Demo(int x)
public boolean equals(Object o)
if(o instanceof Demo&&(((Demo).x)==this.x))
return true;
return false;
public int hashCode()
return x+50;
class Main
public static void main(String args[])
Demo d1=new Demo(20);
Demo d2=new Demo(20);
System.out.println("d1 and d2 are identically equal");
System.out.println("d1 and d2 are meaningfully equal");
d1 and d2 are meaningfully equal
Difference between the hashCode() method and equals() method?
---> both methods are overriden ,when an object of a class wants to be used as a key in a collection.
--->To store the data in a hash bucket hashCode() method will be called.But to read the data from a hash bucket first hashCode() method will be called and the equals()method is called.