East Coast Railway Recruitment Cell: East Coast Railway Recruitment Cell(RRC) has announced a new notification for filling the 1626 posts like Trackman,Token Porter,Helper II,Safaiwala posts.who are eligible candidates can apply these posts and fallow the given details and apply before 11-11-2013.RRC Bhubaneswar Group-D Posts details are given bellow..
Vacancy Details
Name of the post: Group-D
Number of posts: 1626
- Trackman
- Token Porter
- Safaiwala
- Helper-II
Age Limit: candidate age should be greater than 18 and less than 33
Qualification : 10th Standard or ITI equivalent
Fees: 100/for UR and OBC candidates.
How to Apply:candidate first download the application form and fill the application form along with necessary documents should be sent the given address.
For More Details we can click the fallowing link