Saturday, 26 October 2013

NKGSB Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2013

NKGSB Cooperative Bank Recruitment 2013

NKGSB Co-Operative Bank rescue the notification for clerical jobs.Candidate age should be grater than 18 and less than 28 years.Who are apply these jobs they are  must complete graduation or post graduation to the recognized  university.Eligible candidates can apply these posts before 31-10-2013.who want to get more details about the job notification and application details through the online more details like important dates,selection process are given bellow...

Organization Name: NKGSB Co-Operative Bank

Official Website:

Total Number of Vacancies:who want get the number of vacancies through the online website.

Job Type: Govt Clerical jobs

Qualification: Graduation/Post Graduation

Application Fees:Candidate must pay Rs.500 chelan form of nkgsb co-operative bank

Age Limit: Candidate age should be greater than 18 and bellow 28 years.

Selection Process:Candidates should be selected based on the written test and personal interview.

Last Date for  Registration Application form: 31-10-2013

Fore more Details click the fallowing link
NKGSB Co-Operative Bank Job Notification
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Krishna babu is the founder of Alljobupdates .He is a Tech Geek,SEO Expert,Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here

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