Monday, 9 December 2013

Spring Framework concepts


Spring Framework concepts 
Spring framework is a light weight component for creating a java ee applications.Spring framework  is an abstraction layer on top of the existing technologies. A spring framework will provide common functionalities for the projects as ready made,and the developer will build the remaining code for the projects.

In this Spring framework have mainly 3 injunctions are there.There are
  1.setter injection injection
  3.interface injection

Setter Injection: In a spring framework if the dependencies  are injected by calling the setter method of an object at run time  then is called a setter injection.
Constructor Injection: if the dependencies are injected by calling the constructor of an object at run time then it is called constructor injection.
Interface Injection: if the dependencies are injected by the calling a method provided by a interface  then it is calling interface injection.

Spring framework supports all the three types of dependency injections.The interface injection is supported only at particular time,that is in a bean life cycle process.

setter injection example:
 public class TravelService
     private Vehicle vehicle
     public void setVehicle(Vehicle vehicle)

constructor injection example:
 public class TravelService
     private Vehicle vehicle
     public  TravelService(Vehicle vehicle)

interface injection example:
 public class Demo implements BeanFactoryAware
     private BeanFactory fact;
     public void set BeanFactory(Beanfactory fact)
-->here interface provided  method is used for injecting the dependency.So it is a interface injection.

Spring Bean: Spring bean is a pojo class. And a spring bean may or may not contain the default constructor.
The difference between the spring bean and the java bean is java bean may contain a default constructor,in spring bean mayor may not contain the default constructor.

To create a spring application required files are
-->Bean class
-->client class

Steps for creating a spring bean object in a client application:

step-1: create a resource object
        Resource r=new ClassPathResource("beans.xml");
step-2: create spring container object
            BeanFactory factory=new XmlBeanFactory(r);
step-3: get the bean object from the container by using id  with calling getBean()method
            Object o=factory.getBean("id");
step-4:Type cast the Object class to our spring bean object.the it calls our business method.
          DemoBean db=new DemoBean();

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Krishna babu is the founder of Alljobupdates .He is a Tech Geek,SEO Expert,Web Designer and a Pro Blogger. Contact Him Here

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